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Website Terms and Conditions 

Third party Links on website:

All the third party links available on our website are not monitored by Migrate Me Experts and company does not responsible for any information provided by these companies on our website. Migrate Me Experts shared these links on the website for the visitor convenience, to get more information about services and products information they looking for. Migrate Me Experts have the right to close the links to these company anytime from the website. Any information access by any visitor from these linked websites should be the responsibility of that visitor. Visitor access this information on its own risk. Migrate Me Experts does not guarantee any information, either mentioned or suggested by these linked websites about any services and products.

Company Trademark:

Migrate Me Experts service mark, company logos and hallmark and other information mentioned on the website is the property of the company and to its respective owners. You are not allowed to use any service mark, company logos and any other information on the website, without the written confirmation from Migrate Me Experts.


You are agree about any guarantee, justification and hold Global Education & Marketing Solutions Pty Ltd regardless from and against any type of losses, third party claims, any liability ( involves any money and fees) comes into existence, depending upon your visit to the website.

Liability limitations:

You are aware and agreed about Global Education & Marketing Solutions Pty Ltd and its employees, agents, partner companies and any other person shall not be responsible for any type of losses whether direct, indirect and any scenarios, ended up with the use of products or services, provided information on the website and any other activities. In the above mentioned cases, Migrate Me Experts and its connected bodies are found responsible for any damage which arise in or out, in any cases, then the liability of the Global Education & Marketing Solutions Pty Ltd will in not exceed.

Company Disclaimer:

You agree that Global Education & Marketing Solutions Pty Ltd do not responsible for perfection, validity of the content provided on the website. You should not considered that information on the company website are keep on updating time to time as per current status of any services or products.Global Education & Marketing Solutions Pty Ltd working as a Migrate Me Experts  is not blamed if the provided information on website related to removed and any other irrelevant source.  All the information provided on the website stays “as is” and any guarantee (suggested or mentioned), any type of condition or term, counting without any kind of limitation, any purpose or any other cases are excluded.

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